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Welcome to Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson United School Corporation!! As the new superintendent of NHJUSC, I would like to extend an exciting and heartfelt welcome back to school to all of our students, parents, and staff!! Our school corporation consists of approximately 1,850 students enrolled in Indian Creek Elementary School, Indian Creek Intermediate School, Indian Creek Middle School, and Indian Creek High School. We are very proud of our most recent accomplishments and successful programs that are listed below:

  • Received a 2013 “A” rating for our entire school corporation and Indian Creek Middle School.

  • Implementation of school improvement plans which includes an instructional focus, data disaggregation, progress monitoring, effective assessments, and relevant remediation.

  • Beneficial tiered discipline and positive behavior support programming.

  • Instituted a 1-to-1 technology initiative with the implementation of iPads in grades 6-12 and are using classroom sets of iPads and netbooks in grades K-5.

  • Offer excellent athletic programming that constitutes numerous varsity sports, middle school sports, and several athletic opportunities at our elementary levels.

  • Provide successful academic competition teams at both the elementary and secondary levels.

  • Provide successful fine arts programs, including marching band, choir, and theatrical performances, at both the elementary and secondary levels.

  • Organize numerous community service projects that foster a positive impact upon our families.

  • Maintain a safe, secure, and nurturing learning environment with highly qualified and exceptional faculty and staff who promote a Kids’ First attitude and approach.

Our high standard of performance is also verified by the fact that approximately 77% of our graduating seniors have been accepted to post-secondary schools. In addition, we have a 93.3% graduation rate and approximately 76% of our seniors achieve an academic honors diploma or a Core 40 diploma.


At our middle school, 89.9% of our students are proficient in the ISTEP Mathematics test and 86.4% are proficient in the ISTEP English/Language Arts exam.


At our intermediate and elementary schools, we boast an attendance rate of approximately 97% and 98.4% of our third graders passed the IREAD-3 exam.


We are definitely proud of our most recent achievements, but our faculty is still striving to become an even better school system that desires to prepare our students to be successful in a competitive, global society.The 2014-15 school year will be another opportunity to prepare our students as learners of who are ready, willing, and able to function and serve in our 21st Century. School will start this year on Monday, August 4th.
We will continue with our modified balanced calendar, with one week of Fall Break and two weeks each during Winter and Spring Breaks. At Indian Creek Schools, we will make sure that every student has a safe, secure, and positive learning environment and a supportive atmosphere for faculty and staff. We will seek to challenge and help all of our students soar to new heights, harness the power of learning, and be the best they can be.


We, as public school educators, are in the business of instruction with our passion and energy directed towards student learning. We will strive to serve our school leaders, teachers, students, families, and community patrons, as we will continue to work at becoming one of the best school corporations in the state of Indiana!!


Dr. Timothy Edsell

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