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High Ability Programs


Indiana Association of the Gifted:





Learn how High Ability students fit in to each of our buildings.
Elementary Offerings

The students in our K-2 Building have been identified as high ability through two different methods:  


  1. COGAT 7 Testing meeting the 89th Percentile

  2. Teacher input from different district level assessments and from classroom work with the student. 


Once the students are identified as High Ability, the teacher in the classroom uses a differentiated curriculum based on College and Career Ready Standards to challenge the students at the level in which they are currently working.


Indian Creek Elementary teachers have gone through training, working with differentiated curriculum to ensure that all levels of learners needs are met.

Middle School Offerings

The students in our 6-8 Building come to us identified High Ability or are assessed using the COGAT 7 testing and teacher recommendation.  


Language Arts:

Students in the High Ability Program have the opportunity to participate in the 6/7/8 Grade Accelerated Language Arts Class where their curriculum is done at the grade level above their designated grade. The work done in this class pushes the students to achieve on a more challenging level.  Students that complete the process will have the opportunity to participate in the English Honors 9 Class at Indian Creek High School which is a weighted class for grade point average accounting and will allow for an extra college class to be taken when they reach the High School.



Student in the High Ability Math Program have the opportunity to receive High School Credit for Algebra during the 8th grade.  The students in the 6th and 7th grade are placed in advanced math classes that work at one grade level above their grade level peers.  Students upon completion of the 8th Grade Algebra class have the opportunity to move into advanced math classes at the High School.



Students at the 8th Grade level have the opportunity to take Spanish I. This will allow for 5 full years of Spanish by the time they graduate from Indian Creek High School and allow for the possibility to receive college credit for the Spanish course work.


All Subjects:

All teachers at Indian Creek Middle School have been trained with materials from Carol Ann Thomlinson and provide differentiated instruction within their content areas.  

Intermediate Offerings

The students in our 3-5 Building are identified High Ability through the use of the COGAT 7 Testing component and Teacher recommendation.  


Once the students are identified High Ability, the students are clustered into classes that have other High Ability students.


Emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, and applying content through real life projects will be the areas of study throughout the year. The goal is to meet the students at their ability level and push them to think and work at least a grade level above the standards for their grade. Students in High Ability programs are pushed to move into the High Ability / Accelerated Classes at Indian Creek Middle School.  



High School Offerings

High ability students that come to Indian Creek High School have multiple opportunities to challenge themselves with classes that are eligible for Indian Creek High School credit, Advanced Placement credit, or even college credit at Ivy Tech Community College - all for little or no charge to the student.  



For specific information, click on the following headings:



Advance Placement Courses and Dual Credit Courses


Honors Courses - English and Mathematics




Central Nine Career Center High School Courses(with Dual Credit Offerings)

Anchor 5
General Procedures and Forms
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