United School Corporation
Indian Creek Schools - Home of the Braves
Infinite Campus Portal
Technology Initiatives
Click one of the links below to see details for each grade level group.
1:1 Initiative: Grades 6-12
iPads are issued to students in grades 6-12 for use in classes and at home. The devices are paired with enhanced curriculum to provide students with the skills necessary for success in and out of the classroom. The program supports flexibility in learning and empowers students to be actively engaged in their studies.
Damages and Repair:
iPads issued to students are treated as textbooks and are subject to charges for damage or loss. Typical damages are to the LCD (graphics) and Digitizer (screen). All non-warranty repairs are completed through our vendor and are charged to the student's account at actual cost. LCD repairs are approximately $100.00 and Digitizer repairs are approximately $90.00.
Other items that may be damaged or lost are the charging cord and brick. We must provide genuine Apple replacment charging accessories. Our cost is $19.00 per piece ($38 for the entire unit). At the year-end collection, we will only accept genuine Apple charging accessories. If a student looses or damages the issued charging accessories, you may purchase a replacement on your own (if it is a geniune Apple product) or we are able to issue a replacement to the student at our cost.
Device Insurance:
Parents are encouraged to purchase insurance for their student's device. We recommend the following companies but you may choose any company you wish.
Worth Avenue Group 1.800.620.2885
GoCare 1.855.462.2731
For quoting purposes, the devices issued at this time are iPad2, 16G with WiFi.
1:1 Initiative: Grades 3-5
Dell 11" Chromebooks are issued to each student in grades 3-5 for use in the classroom. Students use a combination of digital curriculum and print curriculum to meet the various academic standards expected of students. The goal is to engage students academically and to help prepare students for the digital world economy that awaits them beyond their school years.
Damages and Repair:
Chromebooks issued to students are treated as textbooks and are subject to charges for damage or loss. Typical damages are to the screen and keyboard. All non-warranty repairs are completed through our vendor and are charged to the student's account at actual cost.
Classroom Tech Initiative: Grades K-2
Classroom sets of iPads are used to supplement the print curriculum in grades K-2. Students use the devices during self-paced centers or through teacher-led exercises. The devices allow teachers to enhance interaction in the classroom, introduce more personalized activities, and engage students in new and exciting ways.